Sunday, September 4, 2011

Not quite a "walk in the park"

The daily routine of going to school is no easy task for the Tribal Children.

Some of them walk an average of two to three kilometers - one way - from their homes to the school that they attend. And back, at the end of the day. Fortunately, a number of them have been placed in the dormitory of TCLP so that they avoid that problem. But there are those that cannot be accommodated there and that is what they have to contend with.

And those who remain at home still do their bit when they get home to help by fetching water, firewood and doing other chores that most children in the urban areas don't even think about anymore.

Worse, these children trek these distances without the benefit of shoes and other sturdy footwear. Slippers or flip flops, if they are lucky.

And this, during all sorts of weather -rain or shine.

TCLP is looking for donor organizations who could provide these children with decent shoes for the mountain regions, as well as raincoats, rubber boots and umbrellas.  

Some who live across a river have to cross the river on foot and during the rainy season, when the water level is higher and stronger, they are forced to stay home because of the absence of even a sturdy foot bridge.  This is why they would welcome the rubber boots.

Backpacks with school supplies will always be welcome. But shoes, rubber boots, umbrellas and raincoats will help them go their long way a lot better.

Click on this link - -  and select "Educational Assistance" to donate online. Or you can always contact Byron and Joy Gary through their email byronjoygary at gmail dot com.

Blessings to you for your generosity and prayers!

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